Posted on Friday, July 09, 2021 09:05 AM
Addressing the legacy of residential schools: Clarington will examine ways to move forward with reconciliation on a municipal level.
Clarington Council unanimously passed a motion directing Staff to examine the calls to action identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Staff will look at the action items specifically directed at municipalities and all levels of government to provide Council with advice on the steps Clarington can take to redress the legacy of residential...
Posted on Monday, June 21, 2021 08:55 AM
Clarington working with Metrolinx on GO bus turnaround in Newcastle as former fire hall will be demolished
Clarington staff are working with Metrolinx to identify solutions for a GO Bus service turnaround in Newcastle as the current site has been scheduled for demolition and land sale. The former Newcastle Fire Hall located at 247 King Avenue East has been used as a turnaround area for many years. The Municipality has been delaying the demolition of this building since 2016. Council has directed...
Posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2021 12:31 PM
On-farm special events subject to a new licensing by-law
Farmers who want to diversify their business and host on-farm special events such as weddings will now require a municipal business licence in addition to a Zoning By-law amendment and site plan approval for their property. As part of the Zoning By-law amendment application, the Municipality will consider any special rules regarding the hours of operation, frequency of events, and maximum attendance. Each business licence will be subject...
Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021 11:37 AM
Clarington supports OPG application to renew its licence for New Nuclear Plant
Clarington Council has voted to support Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) site preparation licence renewal application to obtain federal approval to prepare the site for the Darlington New Nuclear Plant. Mayor Foster and Clarington Staff will attend the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) licence renewal hearing in June to outline Clarington's support for the project. The proposed development includes the construction...
Posted on Friday, April 16, 2021 03:01 PM
Clarington seeking Federal funding for railway safety improvements needed for whistle cessation at Cobbledick and Bennett Roads
Clarington Staff have been directed to reapply for Transport Canada’s Railway Safety Improvement Program funding to help cover the cost of improvements needed at the Cobbledick Road and Bennett Road crossings to stop train whistles in those areas. The Municipality’s initial application, submitted in July 2020, for a total of $697,000 of eligible expenses was unsuccessful....
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