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Posted on Friday, November 29, 2024 05:05 PM
The Municipality of Clarington is sharing the following statements condemning the recent discovery of racist graffiti in Clarington:
Statement from Clarington Mayor Adrian Foster:
“As Mayor of Clarington, it is with a heavy heart that I address this recent incident of hate and ignorance. This small-minded act certainly does not reflect the values we cherish in Clarington – values of respect, equity, and inclusivity. We remain dedicated to creating a community where everyone can feel safe and...
Posted on Friday, November 29, 2024 11:47 AM
The Municipal Parking lot located on the corner of Church Street and Division Street in Bowmanville will close so municipal staff can complete maintenance in the area.
The lot, located adjacent to132 Church Street in Bowmanville will be closed during the following time frames:
There will still be plenty of lot and on-street parking options available and downtown parking is free of charge during the month of December....
Posted on Friday, November 29, 2024 10:00 AM
Clarington, Ontario – Clarington, in partnership with the Government of Canada and with technical support from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, will undertake a Coastal Process Study along Lake Ontario to inform the restoration of the Graham Creek Jetties and Bond Head beach using nature-based approaches. The study is being funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative, which will provide the municipality with $100,000 over a two-year period.
Posted on Thursday, November 28, 2024 02:51 PM
Clarington, Ontario – Enbridge Gas and Clarington Emergency and Fire Services (CEFS) have teamed up to help improve home safety and bring fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths down to zero.
CEFS received 342 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Safe Community Project Zero–an annual Enbridge Gas campaign with the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council that takes place across Ontario. The alarms will be distributed throughout our community with a focus on those who are deemed...
Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 01:21 PM
Clarington, Ontario – Clarington Mayor Adrian Foster has released the following statement.
“I am thrilled the Provincial government has tasked Ontario Power Generation with bringing new power generation to Ontario.
In Clarington, we know the impact of a thriving clean energy sector. I’m excited for OPG’s continued success, innovation, and economic growth. This new energy production will create thousands of jobs and inject billions into Ontario’s economy.
Clarington is at the heart of Ontario’s...
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