To operate a refreshment vehicle in the Municipality of Clarington, you must apply for an annual or special event licence through our Municipal Law Enforcement Department.
Find out which licence you need by reviewing the options below. Once you have determined the application that applies to your business, please apply using the Service Clarington portal where you can upload all required documents as listed in the checklists below.
To avoid disappointment, please apply a minimum of 14 days before you wish to open your refreshment vehicle or attend a special event.
For more information about this by-law, please see the Refreshment Vehicle By-law 2015-016.
Stationary Refreshment Vehicle |
A stationary refreshment vehicle is a vehicle which:
Mobile Refreshment Vehicle |
A mobile refreshment vehicle is a vehicle designed and intended to move from one location to another regularly and can do so on short notice. It may include facilities for cooking.
Refreshment Cart |
A refreshment cart is any non-motorized vehicle used exclusively to sell pre-packaged foods and does not include cooking facilities.
A special event refreshment licence is a temporary licence that allows a refreshment vehicle to participate in a special event. Cultural, recreational, educational, or similar events include fairs, festivals, and carnivals.
You must first have a refreshment vehicle licence to apply for a special event licence.
Use the checklists below to help you gather the required documents for a special event permit based on whether you are licensed in Clarington, Durham or Ontario.
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