The Municipality has received an application to amend the Zoning By-law to allow commercial uses, including a general store and an eating establishment, on the property at 4504 Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville. The details of the site layout and function will be addressed through the ongoing Site Plan application.
A Statutory Public Meeting was held on June 7, 2021, to explain the nature of the proposed change and to seek feedback from the public. Clarington Council considered the recommendation report at the Joint Committee Meeting on September 13, 2021.
Site location
4504 Regional Highway 2, Newtonville
Reports available upon request
Read Appendix A of Clarington's Official Plan to learn more about the information contained within each of these reports and documents.
File numbers
Amanda Tapp, Principal Planner, Community Planning and Economic Development or 905-623-3379 ext. 2427.
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